Mark Boonshoft

BoonshoftI am an assistant professor of history at Norwich University. Before that, I spent two years as a post-doctoral research fellow at the New York Public Library, working on the Early American Manuscripts Project.  I received my Ph.D. in early American history from Ohio State University in 2015 and a B.A., also in history, from the University at Buffalo (SUNY).

My research focuses on  political, religious, and social history. My current project, a revised version of my dissertation, is tentatively titled Monarchical Education and the Making of the American Republic, 1730-1812. I have also published a number of essays, including “The Litchfield Network: Education, Social Capital, and the Rise and Fall of a Political Dynasty, 1784–1833,” which appeared in the Journal of the Early Republic (Fall 2014), “Doughfaces at the Founding: Federalists, Anti-Federalists, Slavery, and the Ratification of the Constitution in New York,” which was published in New York History (Summer 2012), and finally “The Great Awakening, Presbyterian Education, and the Mobilization of Power in the Revolutionary Mid-Atlantic,” came out  in The American Revolution Reborn, an edited volume published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in 2016.

You can contact me here.