Ebony Jones

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the History Department at North Carolina State University. I studied history at New York University where I completed my Ph.D. in 2017 and was a 2015-17 Predoctoral Fellow at the University of Virginia’s Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies.

photo1.jpgMy research and teaching interests are in the histories of Atlantic world slavery, the intercolonial slave trade, and imperial crime and punishment. My current in-progress book project, tentatively titled Dangerous Characters: Transportation as Punishment and Atlantic World Slavery, explores the use of transportation (“sold for transport”) as a form of discipline and punishment for enslaved women and men convicted and sentenced by slave courts in the British Caribbean. Dangerous Characters critically examines the relationship between slavery, criminality, commodification through the intercolonial slave trade, and freedom across the black Atlantic world.